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​Pennsylvania Long‑Term Care Council

The Pennsylvania Long-Term Care Council is charged with making recommendations on regulations, licensure, financing, or any other responsibilities of the departments and agencies that relate to the commonwealth’s long-term services and supports system. Established by Act 64 of 2015, and revised by Act 63 of 2021, the council replaces the Intra-Governmental Council on Long-Term Care in order to reflect today’s broader long-term care continuum. The scope of the council includes all areas of long-term care, including, but not limited to, institutional care and home and community-based services. Chaired by Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich, the council is comprised of 35 members, including long-term care consumers, advocates, caregivers, providers, and policymakers.


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​Long-Term Care Council Members

Long-Term Care Council meetings will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will be conducted via Microsoft Teams unless otherwise specified. The end time will be contingent on the specific agenda items for each meeting.

To request a link to the virtual meetings, request accommodations as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or make additional inquiries regarding Long-Term Care Council business, please contact Jessie Pierce at (717)-884-4852 or via email at​.​